Discover the world’s first and only new universal deck of playing cards in the history of time.
All the aces & faces have been removed because they are not necessary while adding a 5th suit! Color Cards™ +Increase your score & White Cards™ -Decrease it to create an entirely new set of up and down gaming action that will entertain you forever!

Full Color® Gaming System is infinite in scope, mathematical design and scale. Our Universal Full Color® Casino Deck 55 Cards / Deck each with 5 Suits (4 Color & 1 White) 11 Cards / Suit Ranked 1~11 while our Full Color® Video Poker deck ranges from 15, 20 & 25 card ranks in a suit. Our Full Color® Solitaire decks come in 13, 16, 19, 22 & 25 card ranks per suit proving the it’s unlimited dynamic range.
Blackjack Completely Reinvented
Color Cards +INCREASE your score and White Cards -DECREASE it creating two different ways to win the game by scoring up to “21” just like traditional blackjack or now down to “Nothing”. Since only 1 out of every 5 cards are a White Card™ and can take you down in score, any score of 0 or less than 0 is simply a “Nothing” and ranks as a 21!

Baccarat Completely Simplified
Color Cards +INCREASE your score and White Cards -DECREASE it creating two different ways to win the game by scoring up to +9 just like traditional baccarat or now down to -33. We’ve removed all 80 “Draw a 3rd Card Rules” and completely simplified it with one single rule revolutionizing the game!

Many Ways to Play
Live Dealer, Live Casino, Private Tables, Private Tables+All Your Friends, real money or virtual money, with others or by yourself, Full Color® Games has a style & format just for you!
Full Color® Games has revolutionary mathematical formulas hidden inside of Full Color® Cards and wraps them around the wheels of the world’s most popular casino games of slot machines that make up our line of Spin Games™. Our Spin Games™ line of Full Color® Slots are available in up to 100 lines, with ReSpin™ features that let the players spin again without any additional wagers for added entertainment and more!
Check back soon to see when and where you can play them!
Full Color® Solitaire has reinvented the world’s most popular games of solitaire by introducing the world’s first ever 13, 16, 19, 22 and 25 card sets that create entirely new levels of game play and an infinite number of ways to play all your favorite games including FreeCell, Golf, Klondike, Pyramid and Spider 1, 2 and 4 suit version. Game Center and skill based games can be played for real money against your friends or people from anywhere in the world!!!
Check back soon for when and where you can play them!